Sunday 29 December 2013

Production Diary #35

Finally completing my final draft of my music video I am really happy and satisfied with the outcome of it all, with then waiting for feedback from my peers I am not worried at all about it as I, myself can only see a few minor errors in which I need to change which can be easily done.
Going to spend a week on this, I will look at my feedback first and then alter my video according to it to please my audience but also get some of their insight to what they want to see.
Already showing the band, they're comments were nice and phrasing towards me as they really did like it, making me even more proud of myself and satisfied.
I plan to still re shoot and improve my digipack as I am having some problems with my models, however I will make a change to this before the deadlines!

Friday 20 December 2013

Production Diary #34

Spending the majority of my time dedicated to my music video I am pretty happy that it is going along well and to the stage where it is nearly done. However I still am not as happy with it as I wanted some effects in which I've seen on other put onto mine. I have searched youtube and not found out how to do this yet. Reassuring myself I have then again gone back to watch the previous videos in which inspired me, most of them don't  have any effects and lack some elements I have included.
Looking back on my story board I have seen the massive progress in which I have taken in order to improve and change my video, following these guidelines has helped me structure my video however I have realised that the cuts need to be much faster and sharper.

Monday 16 December 2013

Draft 2

My Second draft is now done, and as you can see  I have slightly changed some elementsof it, more importantly I have experimented with colour correction and also added in a moving picture sequence, I am not entirely sure on how it goes with the video, however I have made an online survey for people to tell me their thoughts and improvements to help me make my final draft and then final music video.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Story Boards

Here are some small sample sheets of my story board that I have roughly put together  as a draft to see how my music video would plan out.





Sunday 8 December 2013

Audience feedback on Digipack and Magazine poster

 I asked 8 people from my target demographic to give me some feedback on post-stick notes so that I could improve my digipack and magazine posters, here is what I found.

Friday 6 December 2013

Production Diary #33

After completing what I hope to be my final magazine advert, I can say that I have worked very hard on it. Satisfied more with the landscape version than the portrait, I still feel like I need to improve that one.
However I have added a few more details than the draft had which were just minor, for example star ratings, links and social networking sites, record company and distributor, and an overall filter just to make it even more polished.
Asking my teacher for feedback along side this, she has given me some good advice in which I should change, as the portrait one looks more like a film poster, I can now edit this to either get a new image or move bits around.
This is just minor little things I can easily do before the deadline, as now I am going to put my full focus into my music video.
As you can see I have completed my first proper draft of it and I am pretty pleased.
However I did overcome more troubles with the exporting part.
Better than last time, my video still needs improvements as the resolution is not as clear, there are black bars along the top and bottom and it feels like it's moving slowly.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Music video draft

I have just about finished my first proper draft for my music video.
Looking on the feedback that I got from my rough cut, I have chosen to add some of this into my video, with new footage, quicker cuts which are speed up and a more clear structures narrative, this draft has been cleaned up quite a lot from the first one.
Although due to the limited time I have no had enough time to add transitions or colour correct scenes.
Baring this in mind, I had originally started editing my video on the wrong aspect as it was a square, I have now improved and changed this so that it fits the wide screen HD resolution I shot it in.
I have made the quality of my footage more vivid and re sized each frame individual to make sure nothing was cut out.

Also finding out that uploading it to vimeo produced a better quality than Youtube had.
I still have many improvements to do however I am really happy with what I have done so far and the progress I have made. However I followed the video with the right exporting settings but this didn't seem to work with my video. as there are black bars on the screen which I don't like, the quality still isn't as good as I hoped to be so i still need to play around with this and fix it. (vimeo version)

Sunday 1 December 2013

Magazine advert FINAL

I have made a few minor improvements to my final magazine advert for my album as just adding in star ratings and moving the title around can make all the difference. I feel now that it is much stronger and looks like an advert you would find in a magazine for an album. I am really happy with my final product and don't feel the need to change it, however If i do find a better image I may need to replace it because this is not what I originally planned, yet it still turned out perfect.

 Similarly with the landscape portrait, I have added a circle of white light which is portraying a moon lit sky. This position works better as you can see the full image and the beautiful scenery. Again I am really happy with how it turned out being a back up plan it still looks great. The star ratings at the bottom fit in perfect, making it look professional and finished.