Saturday 26 October 2013

Magazine draft

Here you can see that I have come up with an idea for my magazine advert. I am basing my advert and digipack on the theme of city's and being alone. It has taken me 1 week to come up with this final idea, as I got my insporaion from a long journey home on a bus at night, I was passing through central London with all of its beautiful lights and busy cars passing by, and thought "I'm a long way home, but the city's so pretty." It then hit me that this would be perfect to use for my music video coursework as by band is called Alone Tonight, in which i had felt, the album being called "A Long Way Home" ties in well with the music video as they are constantly on the road, traveling from one city to another, being a long way from home. The music video also does have the theme of travel and cities at night, in which I think this advertisement is going to be very strong indeed.

Surfing tumblr for ideas, I had stumbled on some of the most beautiful photos of cities at night and people wondering about alone, I came across several in which I loved and hope to replicate throughout my own photography.

Currently I am looking for these locations, as I have an idea of using Camden Lock, but not too sure.

Both my digipack and magazine advert are linked together as they both show the bus city life and how one can feel so alone and lost. This is just my first draft and I already have so many ideas, but before I progress I am going to ask my target audiences what they think through the use of social media.

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